If you are arriving from continental Europe, Lausanne can be conveniently reached by train. For time tables, please consult the federel train company web site.

If you are flying, Geneva is the nearest airport, but Zurich can be considered as well; it is considerably bigger. Both airports have a train station, with a direct connection to Lausanne every 30 minutes or so. The travel time from Geneva is about an hour, from Zurich about 2h30.

Once in Lausanne, public transportation is needed for getting to the EPFL campus. You should first catch a local train to Renens-Gare (4-6 min), and from there the m1 "metro" line, stepping out at the EPFL stop (4-6 min). Examples of suitable time tables and a map of the EPFL campus can be found here. For further connections please consult the federel train company web site, choosing EPFL (or more precisely, "Ecublens VD, EPFL") as your destination. The ticket needed is for "zones 11 and 12" and costs CHF 3.50; however, your hotel deal should include a "Lausanne Transport Card" which entitles you to free transportation.

The welcome reception on the evening on Monday, July 14, takes place at the Rolex Learning Center at the EPFL campus.

The lectures will take place at in the lecture hall CE6.